Primary Years Program
Early childhood education at Kuei Shan is staged in an IB PYP program historically informed by Frobelian principles.
Image: Institute For Figuring
自十九世紀的德國教育家福祿貝爾發明了Kindergarten這個詞彙及學前學校的運作模式後,學前教育即在全球蓬勃發展並且獲得普及。當前流行的瑞吉歐、蒙特梭利等教學法亦源自福祿貝爾教育的原則原理。奎山自1963創校以來,即擁有台灣最經典的學前教育,幾十年來孕育、造就了眾多傑出校友,個個頭角崢嶸,出類拔萃 。

Quality Learning in
Early Years
Quality learning experiences during the early years are important for brain development. The IB PYP early learning and development is supported through the constructivist and social constructivist approach to learning. We believe young children are active learners especially if being provided a process of self-discover and opportunities of social interaction. At Kuei Shan Kindergarten, we guide young learners to inquire, question, wonder and theorize about themselves, others and the world around them.
Froebelian Approaches
to Learning
Friedrich Froebel, a nineteenth century German educator and creator of the kindergarten, is arguably the most significant of the pioneers of early years education and care. His principles underpin much of the excellent provision and practice today. At Kuei Shan Kindergarten, although the learning journey is unique everyday, the Froebelian approaches serve as our compass to guide young learners towards their growth:
Freedom with guidance
Unity, connectedness and community
Engaging with nature
Learning through self-activity and reflection
The central importance of play
Creativity and power of symbols
Knowledge and nurturing educators
"Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child’s soul."
Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852)
German educator & founder of kindergarten

Images: Froebel at The University of Edinburgh

Inquiry through Play
Froebel viewed humans as creative beings and saw play as the engine of real learning.He believed a child’s desire to play was God’s way to help stimulate the brain to grow.

Froebel Gifts
Froebel believed that "play" was of great educational value, so he made educational toys for children - Gifts. The word “Gift” has two meanings. One means the toys that God gives to children because of His love, which means "gifts"; the other means the innate talents of every child, which means "talent".
福祿貝爾認定「遊戲」深具教育價值,因此他為兒童製作出教育性玩具「恩物」,也成立訓練班指導恩物操作。「恩物」有雙向的意思,一個意思是上帝因其慈愛賜給兒童的玩具,即意「恩賜物」;另一個意思是每個孩子與生俱有的才能 ,即意「天賦」。

A Classic Never Goes Out of Style!
Froebel’s Gifts – seem to be simple but are provocative, in the sense that it allows the child to think and express, both drawing from personal experience as well from imagination and creativity. The pieces of blocks represent nothing in particular, but can be everything when put together. Compared with battery driven toys in today’s market, Froebel’s Gifts are open ended and not prescriptive which allow children to further explore and discover by themselves.
第1-10 恩物引導兒童運用感官察覺外部世界在美學、知識及生活上的抽象性,建構心靈知覺上的直覺。第11-20 恩物讓兒童在工作中發明及創造。看似簡單的「恩物」材料,也許是世界上最錯綜複雜的玩具,因其中蘊含著兒童發展的深奧取徑。由於複雜性及哲學性,「恩物」操作未如其他教具那樣被廣泛推廣,但其蘊含的深刻和奧秘的教育價值並不因此而失色。奎山幼兒園的孩子有機會操作福祿貝爾恩物,這個上帝給予的「恩賜物」定會奠定他們智慧、氣度並使其內心蘊藏日後發展的心智基礎-- 尤其在智力的最高表現~創造力上。

Reading and Young Learners: What do Parents Need to Know?
January 8, 2025
Science of reading
Reading isn’t natural.
Everyone learns to read in the same way.
There is a known pathway for reading.
Some students acquire this pathway more easily than others.
Explicit and systematic instruction works better for all children.
Prevention is easier and cheaper than intervention.